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Chakra Gemstones

Chakra Gemstone Power

     Chakras are energy centers through which our personal energy flows.  Each og the seven main chakras in the human body corresponds to specific gemstones.  Each type of gemstone is unique crystalline structure that vibrates at a particular rate, creating its individual properties.

​​      To amplify a colour energy, place a gemstone in your correlating Colour Bath or drinking water or carry in your pocket or purse.  In meditation the gemstones can be laid on each Chakra to aid in aligning and balancing the energy flow and energy centres of the body.  Try placing a few drops of Colour Energy's Chakra Blend on your chakra centre first, to aid in enhancing the gem meditation.  Our Alchemy Chakra Light Essenses magnify the stone's intention (apply to stone).  These gemstones can also be used to create an energy grid or to Feng Shui a room.

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