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          Moon Light Therapy

We are here to help heal your Body,

Mind, and Spirit, through Aura Analysis,

Chromalive Therapy, Chakra Balancing, 

and Anti-Aging Facial Massages.

 Colour Therapists

Janet Moon


                     Candice Moon

What Does Medical Intuition Mean?


1) a physical examination by a practitioner to check a patient's state of health

2) of or relating to the science of medicine, or to the treatment of illness and injuries

3) of or relating to conditions requiring medical but not surgical treatment



1) the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning

2) knowing things instinctively



Furthermore, intuition is a combination of historical(empirical) data, deep and heightened observation, and an ability to cut through the thickness of surface reality.  Intuition captures data instantaneously and hits you like a ton of bricks.  Intuition is a knowing, a sensing that is beyond the conscious understanding and a gut feeling.


Medical Intuition is accessing information of one's body, mind, and spirit, based on an intuitive physical examination for the prevention of illness and for maintaining an optimal level in health and wellness.


The more observant you are to your sensing abilities combined with the intelligence and understanding of intuition, the stronger your intuitive hits will be!!!


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