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The Biopulsar is based on Eastern and Western alterntive energy and medical science. It is a meauring device that uses electronic sensors to simultaneously recieve exact vitality, energetic disturbances and sickness structures in more than 49 organ zones.

​                  ·       A Biopulsar Scan can Identify:

                                         a)   Organ Vitality and the stage of stress in an organ

                                         b)  Cellular Energy Levels

                                          c)   Adrenal Exhaustion

                                          d)  Immune System Activity

                                          e)   Thyroid and Hormonal Problems

                                           f)    Toxicity

                                          g)   Kidney and Liver Stress

                                          h)  Blood Sugar Imbalances

                                            i)    Dietary Issues

                                            j)    Heredity Patterns

                                           k)   Trends for over hundreds of health

                                conditions, often before they manifest

                                            l)    Personality Tendencies and Stress Areas

                                          m) Colour Patterns that reflect Mental, Emotional, and Physical conditions, (Such as

                                  masculine/feminine predominance, anxieties, depressions, addictive tendencies,

                                  learning disabilities, infections, sleeping problems, etc.

"Seeing Energy imbalances is Key to HEALING"!!!    

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